Cleaning Your Blue Light Glasses Properly

You bought those blue light glasses to protect your eyes, but are you caring for them properly? With blue light from digital devices everywhere, those special lenses need special care. Follow these tips to clean, store, and adjust to your glasses. Learn when it's time to replace them and get creative DIY remedies for reducing blue light exposure when you've misplaced your glasses. In just a few minutes a day, you can optimize your blue light protection and get your money's worth from your eye-saving investment.

blue light glasses

Storing Blue Light Glasses Safely at Home and on-the-Go

Using proper cleaning techniques will ensure your blue light glasses provide protection and comfort for as long as possible.

Daily cleaning

Gently wipe down your lenses each day with a microfiber cleaning cloth to remove oil, dust and other particles that can build up during regular use. Avoid using any harsh chemicals, abrasive cleaners or paper products like paper towels which can scratch the lenses.

Weekly deep cleaning

Once a week, do a more thorough cleaning of your blue light glasses. Rinse the frames and lenses under warm running water to loosen any dirt or debris. Apply a small amount of mild dish soap and gently scrub all surfaces of the frames and lenses with your fingertips. Rinse thoroughly with water to remove all soap residue. Pat dry with a microfiber cloth and air dry completely before storing or wearing your blue light glasses.

Proper storage

When not in use, store your blue light glasses in their protective case. This prevents the lenses and frames from getting scratched or bent out of shape. Never leave your blue light glasses lying around unprotected. For the best longevity, store in a cool environment away from extreme heat or moisture.

Following a regular cleaning and care routine will help maximize the effectiveness and extend the lifespan of your blue light glasses. With proper maintenance, a high-quality pair of blue light glasses can provide several years of continuous blue light protection and eye strain relief. Simple steps taken each day and week will keep your blue light glasses in excellent working condition.

Adjusting to Wearing Your New Blue Light Glasses

You've invested in blue light glasses to protect your eyesight, so proper storage and care is important to keep them functioning well and lasting longer. When at home, store your glasses in a hard case and keep them in a dry spot away from extreme heat or cold. The case will prevent scratches to the lenses and damage to the frames.

Keep Them Clean

Gently wipe down the lenses with an optical-safe cleaning cloth to remove smudges and oils. Use lens cleaning solution and a soft brush for stuck-on debris. Be very gentle around the lens edges and avoid using paper products which can scratch the lenses. Clean your glasses at least once a week or if vision seems blurry.

Traveling With Blue Light Glasses

When on-the-go, keep your glasses in a hard case and store them in a secure pocket in your bag. Avoid just throwing them in where they can get crushed under heavy items. The case will prevent damage from impacts while also keeping the lenses and frames clean.

For frequent travelers, consider a glasses case with extra padding or a hard-shell case. You may also want to pack lens wipes, a small brush, and cleaning solution in case your glasses get dirty or smudged. Be extra cautious when going through airport security scanners which can potentially demagnetize or damage some blue light lenses or frames. Request a manual search of your glasses case instead.

By properly cleaning, storing and handling your blue light glasses, you can keep them working well for years to come. Make caring for your glasses a routine habit and they'll continue protecting your vision from digital eye strain around the clock. Consistent care and maintenance is key to getting the most out of your investment in blue light protection.

When to Replace Your Blue Light Glasses

Blue light glasses, like all eyewear, will degrade over time and with frequent use. There are a few signs it may be time for replacement glasses.

Damaged or Scratched Lenses

If the lenses on your blue light glasses become excessively scratched or damaged, their ability to filter blue light will be compromised. Scratches and cracks allow blue light to pass through, reducing the protective effects. It’s a good idea to inspect your blue light glasses regularly for any visible lens damage. For minor surface scratches, lens polishes and buffing pads can help restore and smooth the lens surface. However, for deeper scratches, cracks, or damage, replacement is recommended.

Loose or Warped Frames

The frames and nose pads on blue light glasses can become loose, warped, or misshapen over time. Ill-fitting frames won’t properly block peripheral blue light and won’t provide the full benefits of blue light filtering glasses. If your blue light glasses are no longer sitting evenly and comfortably on your face, it’s best to replace them.

Reduced Blue Light Filtering

Most blue light glasses utilize special lens coatings and materials to filter the highest energy blue light wavelengths. However, the effectiveness of these lens coatings can start to deteriorate over time with prolonged use and exposure to environmental elements like UV radiation. On average, the blue light filtering capacity may start to noticeably decrease after 2 to 3 years of frequent use. If you experience increased eyestrain, headaches, and sleep issues after using your blue light glasses, their blue light filtering ability may have started to decline, indicating it's time for a replacement pair.

Replacing your blue light glasses when any of these signs are noticed will help ensure you continue gaining the maximum benefits of blue light filtering and protection for your eyes and sleep health. Staying up to date with the latest blue light technology and lens options can also provide improved filtering and an enhanced user experience with each new pair of glasses.

DIY Tips to Reduce Blue Light Exposure Without Glasses

To temporarily relieve your eyes from blue light strain without wearing blue light glasses, try these do-it-yourself remedies:

Reduce Screen Time

The simplest solution is to limit the amount of time looking at digital screens. Take frequent breaks to look away from the screen and focus on distant objects. Following the 20-20-20 rule - take a 20-second break every 20 minutes and look at something 20 feet away - can help reduce eye strain.

Use Night Mode

Enable the night mode on your digital devices like smartphones, tablets, and laptops. The night mode reduces the amount of blue light emitted from the screen by filtering out the high energy visible (HEV) blue light. The night mode makes the screen appear more yellow in tint which is easier on your eyes.

Try Blue Light Screen Protectors

If reducing screen time is not possible, apply blue light screen protectors to your devices. The screen protectors act as a physical filter to block the HEV blue light from reaching your eyes. Popular brands like EyeCare, Gamma Ray, and iLLumiShield offer blue light screen protectors for most smartphones, tablets, and laptops.

Use Task Lights

When doing close-up tasks like reading or crafting, use task lights with warmer color temperatures instead of overhead lights . Lamps with bulbs rated 2700K to 3000K emit a warm, yellow glow that is more comfortable for your eyes than the bright white light from overhead fixtures.

Practice Eye Exercises

Eye exercises like eye rotations, palming, and blinking can help reduce eye strain from blue light exposure and increase eye comfort. Slowly rolling your eyes in circles, rubbing your palms together to warm them up and placing them over your closed eyes, and consciously blinking slowly can relax and rejuvenate your eyes.

With some simple lifestyle changes and DIY tips, you can find relief from the effects of blue light without relying on blue light glasses. Be sure to also follow the recommended guidelines for proper use of digital devices and continue using your blue light glasses as prescribed for the best long term eye health.

How Do Blue Light Glasses Work?

Blue light glasses work by filtering out blue light wavelengths from the visible light spectrum. They contain special lenses, often made of materials like polycarbonate plastics, that are infused with a blue light-blocking pigment. This pigment acts as a selective filter, only allowing certain wavelengths of light to pass through while absorbing blue light ranging from 415 to 455 nanometers.

Reducing Eye Strain and Fatigue

By filtering out blue light, the glasses aim to reduce digital eye strain that can lead to fatigue, dry eyes, and headaches. Blue light from electronics like phones, tablets, and computers is high energy and can cause damage to the retina over time. It also disrupts your circadian rhythm by suppressing melatonin production. Wearing blue light glasses helps create a healthier balance of light exposure.

Improved Sleep Quality

Limiting blue light exposure, especially in the evening, helps maintain your body's natural circadian rhythm and sleep-wake cycle. Blue light tricks your brain into thinking it's daytime, reducing melatonin and making it harder to fall asleep. By blocking blue light 2-3 hours before bed, blue light glasses can help you feel sleepy at the appropriate time so you wake up feeling more rested.

Long-Term Eye Health

While research is still limited, blue light exposure may lead to long-term damage of retinal cells over time. Blue light glasses act as a preventative measure against potential vision issues like age-related macular degeneration or other retinal diseases. They provide an easy way to protect your eyes from the risks of chronic blue light exposure in today's screen-filled world, though regular eye exams are still important to monitor your vision and eye health.

Wearing blue light glasses, especially when using digital devices or in low light conditions, and being mindful of limiting blue light exposure at night, are two of the best ways to support eye health and sleep quality in an increasingly high-tech world. Making a habit of using them and noticing how much better you feel can help motivate you to keep them on regularly and take frequent screen breaks when possible. Your eyes will thank you for it.

Choosing the Right Blue Light Glasses for You

When selecting blue light glasses, you have several styles and options to consider based on your needs and preferences. The most important factors are lens material, frame type, and blue light filtering level.

Lens Material

The lens material impacts durability, clarity, and price. Polycarbonate lenses are impact-resistant, budget-friendly, and provide basic blue light protection. For the best optics, choose Trivex lenses which are clearer and provide 100% UV protection. High-index lenses are the thinnest, lightest, and most expensive option.

Frame Type

Blue light glasses come in a variety of frame styles from basic to stylish. For maximum coverage, wraparound frames are a good option. Rimless frames are very lightweight but may feel strange at first. Choose a frame shape and size that you find comfortable and complementary to your face.

Blue Light Filtering Level

Higher blue light filtering means more digital eye strain relief. Glasses that filter at least 50% of blue light (around 450 nm wavelength) should work for most people. However, some may need filtering up to 90% for maximum benefit. The level of blue light filtering will depend on how much screen time you have and your personal sensitivity to digital eye strain.

Using these factors as a guide, you can find blue light glasses well-suited to your needs. For heavy technology users or those sensitive to digital eye strain, premium lens materials, close-fitting frames, and high blue light filtering are recommended. More casual users can opt for basic polycarbonate lenses and moderate blue light filtering. With regular use, blue light glasses can make a world of difference in how your eyes feel during and after screen time. By choosing a pair tailored to your needs and sticking to a regular wearing schedule, you’ll gain the maximum benefits these specialized glasses have to offer.

Blue Light Glasses FAQs: Your Top Questions Answered

Blue light glasses offer several benefits when worn properly and consistently. Reducing exposure to blue light from digital screens and artificial lighting has been shown to improve sleep quality, reduce eye strain, and may even help maintain long term eye health.

How Do Blue Light Glasses Improve Sleep Quality?

Wearing blue light blocking glasses helps limit exposure to high energy visible (HEV) blue light which can disrupt your circadian rhythm and make it harder to fall asleep. By blocking blue light in the evening, your glasses support your body's natural sleep-wake cycle and production of melatonin. This can lead to improved sleep quality and make it easier to wake up refreshed.

Do Blue Light Glasses Help with Digital Eye Strain?

Blue light glasses also decrease digital eye strain from staring at bright screens and harsh overhead lighting. The lenses filter out the most irritating wavelengths of blue light which can cause dry, tired eyes, headaches, and difficulty focusing. Your eyes will feel more comfortable during and after screen time or in brightly lit rooms.

Can Blue Light Glasses Prevent Long-Term Eye Damage?

Some research indicates that chronic blue light exposure may lead to long term damage of retinal cells over time. Blue light blocking glasses act as a protective barrier, shielding your eyes from excess blue light that could potentially contribute to age-related macular degeneration or other vision issues later in life. Though more research is needed, blue light glasses may help support lifelong eye health and visual function.

To gain the benefits of blue light blocking glasses, you must wear them consistently whenever viewing digital screens or in environments with harsh lighting. For the best results, begin wearing your glasses at least 30 minutes before bedtime and for 1-2 hours before sleep. During the day, wear them whenever using electronic devices, at work, or in brightly lit spaces. Be diligent and you'll soon notice major improvements in how your eyes feel and your ability to sleep.

Roger Sarkis