Cleaning Your Blue Light Glasses Properly

You just got your first pair of blue light glasses to reduce eye strain from screens. But those sleek frames aren’t indestructible. Without proper care, your fancy new glasses could get scratched or damaged. So how do you keep them looking crisp? This guide shares pro tips for cleaning, storing, and wearing your blue light glasses. You’ll learn when it’s time to replace them and temporary fixes for reducing blue light without specs. Follow these expert tips and your glasses will help filter blue light for many years to come.

Storing and Transporting Your Blue Light Blocking Glasses

Lens Cleaning

To keep your blue light lenses clear and prevent scratches, use a microfiber cleaning cloth specifically designed for glasses. Gently wipe each lens in a circular motion, starting from the center and working your way out. Never use paper towels, your shirt, or harsh chemicals which can damage the lens coating.

Frame Cleaning

The frame and any nose pads collect dirt and oil over time. Use a damp, soft cloth to wipe down the entire frame and nose pads. Pay extra attention to any corners or crevices where grime can build up. For stubborn smudges, a tiny amount of mild dish soap on the cloth should do the trick. Rinse the glasses with water and dry completely with another soft cloth to prevent water spots.

Proper Storage

When you're not wearing your blue light glasses, keep them in a hard case. A case protects the frames and lenses from scratches and prevents them from getting bent out of shape in your bag or pocket. If possible, store the case in a spot that's not too hot or humid. High heat and moisture over long periods of time can cause damage.

Replacement Reminder

Most optometrists recommend replacing your blue light glasses every 1-2 years depending on how often you wear them. The lens coatings and frame materials can start to deteriorate over time, reducing effectiveness. If your lenses become overly scratched or your frames become loose or misshapen, it's best to get a new pair. Your eye health and comfort should be top priorities.

With regular cleaning, proper storage, and occasional replacement, your blue light glasses can provide protection and comfort for as long as you need them. Keeping up a good maintenance routine helps ensure your glasses always perform at their best whenever you wear them.

Tips for Adjusting to Wearing Blue Light Filters

Keeping your blue light glasses in good shape means properly caring for them when they're not on your face. First, get a dedicated case to store your glasses in, like a hard shell eyeglass case or soft pouch. This protects them from scratches and breakage whether at home or on the go.

When storing your glasses, avoid extremes of heat or cold. Don't leave them in a hot car or outside in freezing weather. Room temperature is best. Also avoid stacking heavy objects on top of your glasses case.

For transport, a well-padded eyeglass case is best. An overstuffed backpack or purse can put stress on the frames and lenses. If traveling, keep your glasses with you in your carry-on luggage instead of checking them with the rest of your bags.

To avoid lens warping or scratches, never store or transport your glasses lens-side down. Always rest them lens-side up. Clean your glasses before storing to remove any oils, dirt or debris. Use a microfiber lens cleaning cloth to gently wipe both sides of the lenses.

If your blue light glasses have adjustable nose pads or arms, you may need to readjust them when you take the glasses out of storage. Make sure they feel balanced and centered on your face before wearing them for an extended period.

An easy solution for giving your eyes a break when your glasses aren't handy is the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes, look away from the screen and focus on something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. This helps reduce eye strain and gives your eyes a micro-break from blue light exposure. Keeping your blue light glasses in tiptop shape and following good eye care habits will help ensure you get the maximum benefit.

Knowing When It's Time to Replace Your Blue Light Glasses

Getting used to wearing blue light glasses for the first time can take some adjustment. Don’t worry, the adaptation period is usually short. Here are some tips to help you adjust quickly:

Start slow and build up

Don’t start wearing your blue light glasses for extended periods right away. Begin with just 30-60 minutes a day of use so your eyes can get accustomed to them gradually. Slowly increase the time over days or weeks as your eyes adjust and you get more comfortable. This will prevent eye strain from suddenly reducing blue light exposure.

Focus on the benefits

Remind yourself why you got blue light glasses in the first place. Think about how they are protecting your eyes from damage and strain. This can help motivate you to continue wearing them, even if the adjustment period feels strange. The benefits to your long term eye health and sleep quality are well worth it.

Reduce screen time

If your blue light glasses feel uncomfortable at first, try decreasing your screen time when you first start wearing them. Do some reading, crafts, or light housework instead. This gives your eyes a break from screens and less blue light to adjust to all at once. As your eyes get used to the glasses, you can resume normal screen time levels.

Be patient

Don’t get frustrated if it takes days or weeks for wearing blue light glasses to feel completely normal. Every person's eyes adjust at their own pace. Stay patient through the process and know that your eyes and body will adapt in time. The more you wear them, the faster you will adjust. With regular use, you'll wonder how you ever functioned without them!

Sticking with these tips will help you push through the initial adjustment to blue light glasses. Be kind to your eyes, start slow, and stay focused on the benefits. Before you know it, your new blue light glasses will feel like second nature. Your eyes will thank you for your patience and perseverance.

After wearing your blue light glasses for a while, you'll start to notice signs that it may be time for a replacement pair. On average, blue light glasses should last 6-18 months depending on how often you wear them and how well you care for them.

The lenses are scratched or damaged

If you notice deep scratches, cracks or other damage to the lenses of your glasses that impede your vision or the ability of the lenses to block blue light, it's best to replace them. While minor surface scratches are typically harmless, damage that penetrates the lens can reduce their effectiveness.

The frames are bent, warped or broken

Frames that are bent, misshapen or broken will not only be uncomfortable to wear but also may not properly support the lenses, allowing more blue light to enter from the sides. If the damage is minor, you can try gently bending the frames back into shape. However, frames that are cracked or broken should be replaced.

Your eyes feel strained or tired

The main purpose of blue light glasses is to reduce digital eye strain and fatigue. If, after wearing your glasses for the recommended time, your eyes still feel overly tired or strained, it could indicate that the lenses are no longer blocking blue light effectively and it's time for a new pair.

Your prescription has changed

If you have prescription lenses in your blue light glasses and your prescription has changed, you'll need to replace them to ensure you have the proper lens correction and blue light protection. Your eye doctor can advise you on when it's necessary to update your prescription.

While replacing your blue light glasses more frequently may seem inconvenient, it's worth it to ensure you are getting the maximum benefits to your eye health, comfort and productivity. Keeping an extra pair on hand for when your current glasses need replacement is a good strategy. In the meantime, taking periodic breaks from looking at digital screens can provide temporary relief.
Roger Sarkis