How to Properly Clean Your Reading Glasses

When it comes to your reading glasses, taking good care of them is just as important as finding the right fit. These things sit on your face daily, so you want to keep them clean and well-maintained. But how often should you be wiping them down? What’s the best way to store them without bending the frames? And at what point do you need to swap out the lenses? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this guide, we’ll walk through the proper techniques for cleaning, storing, and replacing your reading glasses so you can keep them in tip-top shape. We’ll also share some common mistakes to avoid—like using harsh cleaners that could scratch the lenses. Follow our advice and your glasses will keep working well for you while looking great too.

cleaning reading glasses

Tips for Storing Your Reading Glasses Safely

To keep your reading glasses in tip-top shape, daily cleaning is a must. Here are the steps to properly clean your glasses:

Use a Microfiber Cleaning Cloth

A microfiber cloth is specially designed to clean delicate lenses without scratching them. Gently wipe each lens in small circular motions, starting from the center and working your way out. Never use paper products like tissues, paper towels or napkins which can scratch the lenses.

Use Lens Cleaning Solution

For stubborn smudges or grime, a specialized lens cleaning solution is best. Apply a small drop to each lens and gently wipe clean with the microfiber cloth using the same circular motion. Be sure to rinse the lenses with water and dry with the cloth when done.

Disinfect Regularly

If multiple people handle or wear your reading glasses, disinfecting them regularly is important. Use a lens disinfectant spray or wipe once a week or if someone with an eye infection has worn them. Disinfecting kills germs and prevents eye infections.

Air Dry Upside Down

After cleaning or disinfecting, rinse your glasses with water and gently shake off excess moisture. Place them upside down on a towel to air dry completely. Never wipe lenses when they’re wet, as this can damage lens coatings.

Replace Nose Pads

Over time, nose pads on your glasses can wear out or come loose, affecting how they fit and feel. Check nose pads regularly and replace them once a year or if they show signs of damage or wear. Replacement nose pads are easy to obtain from an optician or eye care professional.

Keeping your reading glasses clean and well-maintained will ensure maximum comfort, clarity and a longer lifespan. With regular care and occasional professional servicing, a good pair of reading glasses can provide many years of comfortable vision assistance.

When to Replace Your Reading Glasses Lenses

Keeping your reading glasses in good condition means properly caring for them when they're not in use. Here are some tips for safe storage:

Keep Them in a Hard Case

The easiest way to store your reading glasses is in the hard case they came with. This protects the frames and lenses from scratches, dust, and damage. If you don't have a hard case, you can purchase an inexpensive one. Avoid just tossing your glasses into your purse, pocket or drawer where they can get crushed or bent out of shape.

Clean Them Before Storing

Give your glasses a quick wipe down with a microfiber cleaning cloth to remove any dirt or oils before putting them away. This prevents buildup and keeps the lenses clear. Make sure both the front and back of the lenses are clean as well as the nose pads and frame.

Keep Them at Room Temperature

Extreme heat or cold can cause damage to glasses. Avoid leaving them in direct sunlight, in a hot car or outside during winter. The best place is on a table, desk or dresser away from extreme temperatures.

Don't Stack Heavy Objects on Top

Glasses can easily get bent out of shape or broken if stored under heavy books, electronics or other items. Make sure the storage spot you choose is clear of anything that could put excess pressure on the frames or lenses.

Get Regular Adjustments

Over time, glasses can get loose or misshapen. Have them adjusted by an optician every 6-12 months to ensure the best, most comfortable fit. Well-fitting glasses will feel more natural and help prevent eye strain. With the proper care and storage, your reading glasses can provide clear, comfortable vision for years to come.

Adjusting Your Reading Glasses for Maximum Comfort

Reading glasses lenses, just like contact lenses, don’t last forever. As the lenses age, they can become scratched, dirty, and less effective. For the best vision and eye health, it’s important to replace your reading glasses lenses regularly.

Every 1-2 Years

As a general rule of thumb, you should replace your reading glasses lenses every 1 to 2 years depending on how often you wear them. Frequent use means more exposure to scratches, dirt, and general wear and tear. Replacing the lenses ensures maximum clarity and prevents eye strain from looking through old, worn lenses.

If Your Eyesight Changes

If your eyesight seems to have worsened and text appears blurred even with your current reading glasses, it’s probably time for an eye exam and possibly a new lens prescription. As you age, your eyes naturally lose flexibility and the ability to shift focus between distances. New reading glasses lenses will correct your vision and make reading comfortable again.

For Lens Damage or Scratches

Inspect your reading glasses lenses regularly for any deep scratches, cracks, or damage. These imperfections can distort your vision and may need to be repaired or replaced. For the best vision, swap out lenses that have become badly scratched or damaged.

For Comfort and Fit

If your reading glasses feel loose, slide down your nose, or cause discomfort, the frames and lenses may need adjustment or replacement. Ill-fitting glasses can cause headaches and make reading unpleasant. See your eye care professional to have your reading glasses properly fitted and lenses replaced if needed.

With regular care and by following these guidelines, your reading glasses can provide many years of comfortable, clear vision. Staying on top of lens replacement and frame adjustments will ensure your glasses always feel like the perfect fit.

Common Reading Glasses Mistakes to Avoid

When wearing your new reading glasses, comfort is key. An improper fit can lead to headaches, eye strain, and difficulty concentrating. Taking the time to adjust your glasses to suit your needs will ensure you have the best experience possible.

Adjust the Nose Pads

The nose pads rest on either side of your nose, supporting the weight of the frames. Make sure the pads sit evenly and comfortably on your nose. If they feel uneven or are pinching your nose, you can adjust them yourself. Gently bend the pads inward or outward until they distribute the weight properly. You want them snug but not tight.

Adjust the Earpieces

The earpieces hook over your ears to keep the frames in place. Bend the earpieces inward or outward so they hug the sides of your head without pinching. The earpieces should hold the frames firmly but still feel comfortable. If the earpieces are too loose, the glasses will slide down your nose. Too tight and they can cause headaches.

Tilt the Frames

If your glasses feel like they're not sitting evenly on your face, you may need to tilt the frames slightly. Gently bend one side of the frame up or down until the lenses feel level. Check how the frames look in a mirror to ensure they appear straight. It can take a few minor adjustments to get the tilt just right.

Consider Lens Shape

The shape of the lenses can also affect comfort and how the glasses sit on your face. Smaller, rounder lenses may feel heavy on the nose, while larger rectangular lenses distribute weight better. If your current lens shape isn't ideal for your face, consider a different style when replacing your glasses.

With some patience and minor tweaks, you can adjust your new reading glasses to fit comfortably and properly. Don't hesitate to ask your eye care professional for guidance as well. They can make adjustments or recommend a different frame or lens shape if needed to ensure you have a pair of reading glasses you'll enjoy wearing for years to come.

Roger Sarkis