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SALT LAKE CITY, May 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Not once—but twice— within the upcoming year, people across the globe will have the extremely rare opportunity to see the phenomenon known as a solar eclipse. And for the chance to safely watch the event with one's own eyes, which won't happen again for another two decades, Eclipse Glasses is releasing a collection of shades designed for optimal viewing. 

With many remembering the last eclipse in August 2017 as a buzzed-about event with over 200 million pairs of these special eclipse glasses sold, there's also the memory of people not having an adequate way to view it in its entirety due to the low shortage produced. That reason is why Roger Sarkis, an earth science educator at Utah Valley University, designed the ISO-compliant Eclipse Glasses. Following the event six years ago, he repurposed several thousand eclipse glasses that he could find locally and shipped them to schools in other countries to allow students there to view the next eclipses. Now, he's expanded his idea to people everywhere ahead of the events this coming October and April.

"Most solar eclipses only happen just a few times in our lifetime and if you're of the older generation, this might be your last, so why shouldn't they be able to fully experience it?" said Sarkis. "With so many counterfeit and overpriced glasses on the market today, I wanted to find a way for kids and adults alike to safely view the incredible partial phases of these eclipses and create a memory that will always stick with them."

Offered in a five pack of a variety of designs meant to fit any face shape, Eclipse Glasses are professionally printed, designed and made from materials in the United States for all ages. Now available for pre-orders until June 30, the pack is offered at $6.99 with international shipping available, along with a special discount of up to 30% off for larger quantities. Shipping will begin in late-August with orders sent out within one to two days. Sarkis is also looking to partner with educational nonprofit organizations and corporations, with special wholesale pricing. For more information or to place an order, visit

Roger Sarkis