Ensuring Safety and Longevity

Eclipse glasses are essential when watching solar eclipses, as they provide the necessary eye protection from the Sun's intense rays. These special-purpose filters make it possible for observers to look directly at the Sun without risking permanent eye damage. However, once the spectacle is over, many people are uncertain about how to properly store their eclipse glasses for future use. This article aims to address that uncertainty by providing guidelines for the safe and effective storage of eclipse glasses.

Inspect Before You Store

Before you even think about storing your eclipse glasses, it's crucial to inspect them for any signs of damage. Even the smallest pinhole or scratch can compromise the safety of the glasses. If you spot any such defects, it's better to discard the glasses and get new ones for the next event. Never try to repair them yourself.

Cleanliness Matters

Cleaning your eclipse glasses is important but do it gently. Use a soft cloth to wipe away any dust or smudges. Avoid using cleaning agents, as they might erode the lens's protective coating.

Protection from Physical Damage

Eclipse glasses are generally made of a cardstock frame with special solar-filter lenses. They are, therefore, somewhat fragile and can easily be damaged by bending, scratching, or exposure to moisture. Here are some ways to protect them from physical harm:

- Rigid Case: A hard case provides the best protection against accidental bending or scratching.

- Ziplock Bags: If a hard case is not available, placing the glasses in a Ziplock bag can protect them from dust and moisture.

- Flat Surface: Always store the glasses on a flat surface where they won’t be accidentally bent or have anything placed on top of them.

Environmental Factors

- Temperature: Extreme temperatures can adversely affect the materials used in eclipse glasses. Keep them in a room-temperature environment.

- Moisture: Humidity can also damage the solar filters. Store the glasses in a place with low humidity, ideally with silica gel packets to absorb any moisture.

- Light: While not as crucial as temperature and moisture, it's a good idea to keep your glasses in a dark place to help maintain the integrity of the filters.

Label and Date

Remember that everything has a shelf life, including eclipse glasses. While they can last a few years if stored correctly, it’s a good idea to mark the purchase or usage date on the case or Ziplock bag. Before any future use, consult the manufacturer's guidelines to confirm that the glasses are still safe to use.

Consult Manufacturer Guidelines

Different brands may have specific recommendations for storage. Always refer to any instructions or guidelines provided by the manufacturer for the most accurate information.


Properly storing your eclipse glasses can extend their usability and ensure they remain safe for future celestial events. By following these guidelines, you can look forward to many more awe-inspiring moments watching solar eclipses without compromising on safety.

September 19, 2023 — Roger Sarkis

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