Grade Level: Middle School (6th - 8th grade)

Duration: 1 hour


By the end of this lesson, students will be able to use eclipse glasses to safely observe a solar eclipse, record their observations in a log, and demonstrate an understanding of the importance of safe observation practices.


- Eclipse glasses (one pair per student)
- Observation log sheets (prepared in advance)
- Pencils or pens
- Whiteboard and markers
- Projector or screen (for presentation)
- Visual aids (images of solar eclipses)
- Safety guidelines handout (prepared in advance)

Introduction (10 minutes):

1. Begin by displaying images of solar eclipses on the projector and asking students if they know what causes a solar eclipse.

2. Explain that a solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the Earth and the sun, casting a shadow on the Earth's surface.

3. Emphasize the importance of never looking directly at the sun, even during an eclipse, due to the potential for eye damage.

4. Introduce the concept of eclipse glasses as a safe way to observe solar eclipses, protecting their eyes from harmful radiation.

Safety Guidelines (5 minutes):

1. Distribute the safety guidelines handout and go over the do's and don'ts of using eclipse glasses, such as wearing them properly, not using damaged glasses, and avoiding prolonged direct exposure to the sun.

2. Highlight the importance of adult supervision and responsible use of the glasses.

Activity: Making Observation Logs (30 minutes):

1. Distribute one pair of eclipse glasses and observation log sheets to each student.

2. Explain that they will have the opportunity to observe a simulated partial solar eclipse (using a projector and screen) and record their observations in the log.

3. Demonstrate the correct way to wear the eclipse glasses and adjust them for comfort.

4. Start the simulation and guide students in making observations. Encourage them to describe what they see, any changes in the sun's appearance, and the overall experience.

5. As students make observations, walk around the classroom to answer questions and provide assistance.

Discussion and Analysis (10 minutes):

1. After the observation period, gather students back for a class discussion.

2. Ask students to share their observations and describe any changes they noticed in the sun's appearance during the simulated eclipse.

3. Discuss the importance of accurate observations in science and how their logs can contribute to understanding natural phenomena.

4. Highlight the uniqueness of a solar eclipse and how it inspires scientific curiosity.

Reflection and Conclusion (5 minutes):

1. Have students reflect on their experience using eclipse glasses and making observations.

2. Ask them to consider why it's crucial to use safe observation practices, especially during events like solar eclipses.

3. Wrap up the lesson by emphasizing that science is about exploration and careful observation.


- Student participation during the observation activity.

- Quality of observations recorded in their observation logs.

- Active engagement during class discussions and reflections.

- Completion and thoughtfulness of the homework assignment.


1. For advanced students, have them research and explain the different types of solar eclipses (partial, total, annular) and what causes each.

2. Encourage students to create visual representations of solar eclipses using art supplies or digital tools.

3. If possible, organize a field trip or virtual guest speaker session with an astronomer to provide more in-depth insights into solar eclipses and safe observation practices.

Note to Teacher:

Ensure that safety precautions are followed throughout the activity, and remind students of the importance of never looking directly at the sun without proper eye protection.
August 19, 2023 — Roger Sarkis

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