A Comprehensive Guide

The celestial ballet of the Sun, Moon, and Earth aligning perfectly is a sight that leaves spectators spellbound. Eclipses—whether solar or lunar—are not just awe-inspiring but also offer wonderful photographic opportunities. However, capturing this cosmic phenomenon requires more than just pointing your camera skyward. Both your eyes and your camera's sensors are at risk when photographing an eclipse, particularly a solar one, without proper precautions.

Safety First: Protecting Your Eyes and Equipment

Eclipses are intriguing, but looking directly at the Sun during a solar eclipse can cause severe eye damage or even permanent blindness. Therefore, it is crucial to use proper eye protection. The only safe way to look at the sun is through "eclipse glasses" or a "solar viewer." Never use regular sunglasses; they are not sufficient.

Your camera's sensor is also sensitive to intense sunlight, and the concentrated solar rays can damage it. Use a solar filter or a solar film on your camera lens to protect the sensor and to capture a well-exposed image.

Choosing the Right Equipment

Camera and Lens

- Camera: A DSLR or mirrorless camera with manual settings is ideal for eclipse photography.

- Lens: A telephoto lens (200mm to 400mm) will help you capture detailed shots.

- Tripod: A sturdy tripod is essential to prevent camera shake during the long exposures.

Filters and Accessories

- Solar Filters: Must-have for solar eclipse photography.

- Remote Shutter Release: Helps in avoiding camera shake when pressing the shutter.

Planning Your Shots


Choosing the right location is critical. For solar eclipses, choose a location with clear skies, ideally away from urban light pollution. For lunar eclipses, which are generally safer to photograph and observe, ensure that the Moon's trajectory will be visible from your location throughout the event.


Check the exact timings of the eclipse phases. Solar eclipses have different phases: partial, total, and annular. Know when each phase starts and ends to plan your shots accordingly.

Camera Settings

Solar Eclipse

- Mode: Manual Mode

- ISO: 100 to 400 (lower ISO for less noise)

- Aperture: f/8 to f/16 (smaller aperture for sharper images)

- Shutter Speed: Varies depending on the phase; could be as fast as 1/4000s or as slow as 1s during totality.

Lunar Eclipse

- Mode: Manual Mode

- ISO: 100 to 800 (higher ISO since it’s darker)

- Aperture: f/4 to f/11

- Shutter Speed: 1/125s to 5s depending on the brightness of the moon.

Taking the Shot

Solar Eclipse

1. Attach the solar filter to your lens.

2. Use your camera's live view to frame the Sun.

3. Use the remote shutter release to take the photo.

Lunar Eclipse

1. Frame the Moon using your camera's viewfinder or live view.

2. Use a timer or remote shutter to minimize shake.

3. Take the photo.


The final step in immortalizing the eclipse is post-processing. Even a well-captured photo can benefit from slight adjustments in exposure, contrast, and color balance. Programs like Adobe Lightroom or Photoshop are suitable tools for this.


Photographing an eclipse is a thrilling experience but requires careful planning and the right equipment. Most importantly, safety should be your paramount concern. Always use proper eye protection and equipment filters to safeguard both your vision and your camera's sensor. With a little preparation, you can capture the magical moments of an eclipse safely and beautifully.

September 12, 2023 — Roger Sarkis

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