The total phase of a solar eclipse, known as totality, can vary in duration depending on several factors, including the geometry of the Sun, Moon, and Earth at the time of the eclipse. For the total solar eclipse occurring in April 2024, the duration of totality will differ depending on the location from which it is observed.

In general, the duration of totality for any solar eclipse is influenced by:

1. Distance of the Moon from the Earth: The Moon's orbit around Earth is elliptical, so its distance from Earth changes. When the Moon is closer to Earth (at perigee), it appears larger in the sky, which can lead to a longer duration of totality.

2. Distance of the Earth from the Sun: Similarly, the Earth's orbit around the Sun is also elliptical. When Earth is farther from the Sun (at aphelion), the Sun appears smaller in the sky, which can also contribute to a longer duration of totality.

3. Speed of the Moon's Shadow: The Moon's shadow moves across the Earth's surface during an eclipse. The speed of this shadow can affect the duration of totality. The shadow moves slower near the poles and faster near the equator.

4. Geographical Location: The duration of totality will be longer where the Moon's shadow passes more directly and shorter where the path is more angled.

For the April 2024 eclipse, the path of totality will pass through North America. At its greatest, the duration of totality is expected to last around 4 minutes and 28 seconds. This maximum duration will be experienced along a specific path where the alignment of the Sun, Earth, and Moon is most direct. However, for locations at the edges of the path of totality, the duration will be shorter.

To get the exact duration of totality for a specific location within the path of the April 2024 total solar eclipse, one would need to refer to detailed eclipse maps or use astronomical software that takes into account the observer's precise geographical coordinates. These tools consider all the aforementioned factors to calculate the exact duration of totality for any given location along the eclipse's path.
Roger Sarkis