
In the world of internet search, Google Trends has become an invaluable tool for understanding the preferences and curiosities of people across the globe. By analyzing the search patterns of millions of users, Google Trends offers a unique perspective on the interests that captivate our collective imagination. One such fascinating example is the spike in searches related to eclipse vision, as highlighted in an article by Business Insider. Let's delve into the findings and discover what this data tells us about our fascination with celestial phenomena.

The Popularity of Eclipse Vision

The article explores the period leading up to and following the total solar eclipse of August 21, 2017, which traversed the United States from coast to coast. Google Trends data reveals a significant surge in searches related to "eclipse vision" during that time, reflecting a heightened interest in understanding and experiencing this rare astronomical event.

Interest in Eye Safety

One intriguing aspect highlighted in the article is the focus on eye safety during an eclipse. Searches for "how to view an eclipse" and "how to protect your eyes during an eclipse" surged, indicating a widespread concern among the public regarding the potential harm that staring directly at the sun during an eclipse could cause. This increased awareness of eye safety is a positive outcome, as it underscores the importance of education and precautionary measures during such events.

DIY Eclipse Glasses

Another interesting trend highlighted in the article is the rise in searches for "DIY eclipse glasses." With eclipse glasses in high demand leading up to the event, many people turned to Google for alternative solutions. The search data indicates a creative spirit among individuals who sought to construct their own protective eyewear using household items or affordable materials. This DIY trend reflects the resourcefulness and ingenuity of people in finding solutions when faced with a unique situation. Eclipse Glasses USA recommends not gambling with your vision by attempting DIY eclipse glasses. We still have eclipse glasses in stock. 

Regional Variations in Interest

Google Trends allows us to analyze search data at a regional level, providing insights into the varying degrees of interest across different locations. The article highlights that areas within the path of totality, where the eclipse was visible in its entirety, experienced the highest search volumes for eclipse-related terms. This finding suggests that individuals living in these areas were more actively engaged with the event, perhaps due to their greater chances of experiencing the phenomenon firsthand.

Eye Damage Search Interest

In the days following the August 2017 eclipse, Google searches relating to "eye damage" surged (see below image). While we cannot verify if this had anything to do with the eclipse, it is peculiar.

Search interest for eye damage and eclipse glasses look very similar

The Power of Celestial Events

The popularity of eclipse vision searches highlighted by Google Trends demonstrates the enduring allure of celestial events. Whether it's the visual spectacle, the sense of wonderment, or the opportunity for scientific exploration, these phenomena have a unique ability to captivate our collective imagination. The data suggests that people are not only interested in witnessing these extraordinary events but also in understanding the science and ensuring their personal safety.


Google Trends has provided us with fascinating insights into the public's interest in eclipse vision. The article's exploration of search data surrounding the 2017 total solar eclipse reveals a heightened curiosity about eye safety, the emergence of DIY solutions, and the regional variations in search volumes. These trends underscore our fascination with celestial events and the power they hold to captivate us. As we continue to witness remarkable astronomical phenomena in the future, it is clear that Google Trends will remain an invaluable tool for understanding our evolving interests and curiosities.

August 08, 2023 — Roger Sarkis

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