The Hidden Dangers of Fake Eclipse Glasses

Unmasking the Risks

Dear Astronomy Enthusiasts and Safety Advocates,

As we eagerly anticipate the celestial ballet of the April 8 solar eclipse, a shadow looms over our collective excitement. This shadow isn't from the moon obscuring the sun, but from the proliferation of fake eclipse glasses flooding the market, many of which originate from unregulated manufacturers in China. In this post, we'll embark on a journey to uncover the hidden dangers these counterfeit glasses pose to our eyes and our love for celestial events.

Eclipses, both solar and lunar, have captivated human imagination since time immemorial. These rare occurrences where nature's grandeur is on full display are not just awe-inspiring but also serve as a reminder of our place in the vast cosmos. However, the beauty of a solar eclipse comes with a caveat - the need for proper eye protection. Genuine eclipse glasses are designed to protect your eyes from harmful solar radiation during the event. Yet, the market is awash with counterfeits that promise safety without the guarantee, leading many unsuspecting enthusiasts to risk their vision for a moment of wonder.

This introduction serves as the first section of a larger post aimed at illuminating the risks associated with fake eclipse glasses. We'll explore how these counterfeits make their way into consumers' hands, the potential damage they can cause to our eyesight, and how to spot and avoid them. Our journey will take us through expert insights, personal anecdotes, and a deeper understanding of the importance of certified eye protection during solar eclipses.

Join me as we delve into the shadowy world of fake eclipse glasses. It's not just about preserving our vision; it's about safeguarding our ability to witness the marvels of the universe safely. So, grab your genuine eclipse glasses, and let's protect our eyesight while indulging in the splendor of the cosmos together.

The 2017 Eclipse Glasses Fiasco: A Lesson in Safety and Authenticity

The anticipation for the Great North American Eclipse of August 21, 2017, was palpable. It was to be the first eclipse to cross the entire continental United States in nearly a century, and millions were preparing to witness this celestial phenomenon. Amidst this excitement, a critical safety component became a subject of nationwide concern: the eclipse glasses. Unfortunately, what should have been a straightforward precaution turned into a widespread cautionary tale about counterfeit products flooding the market from China.

Eclipse glasses are essential for safely viewing solar eclipses. These specialized glasses are designed to protect viewers' eyes from harmful solar radiation, which can cause serious eye damage or blindness if viewed directly without proper protection. However, as the eclipse date drew nearer, reports began to surface about the market being inundated with fake eclipse glasses. These counterfeits, many of which were manufactured in China, mimicked the appearance of certified, safe eclipse glasses but lacked the necessary protective filters.

The situation escalated when reputable scientific organizations and news outlets started to raise alarms. The American Astronomical Society (AAS) and NASA issued warnings about the influx of counterfeit glasses, emphasizing the importance of verifying the safety of eclipse glasses through reputable vendors and checking for the ISO 12312-2 international safety standard certification.

The crux of the problem lay not only in the mere existence of these counterfeits but also in their distribution. Many of these glasses were sold through major online retailers, including Amazon, which further complicated the situation. As a response, Amazon initiated a large-scale recall of potentially unsafe eclipse glasses and offered refunds to customers who had purchased glasses from unverified suppliers. This move, while necessary, added to the confusion and anxiety as thousands scrambled to find legitimate replacements in time for the eclipse.

The fallout from the counterfeit eclipse glasses incident was multifaceted. On one hand, it highlighted the dangers posed by insufficient regulation and oversight in the manufacturing and sale of products intended for critical safety applications. On the other, it served as a wake-up call for consumers about the perils of counterfeit products. The incident underscored the importance of due diligence in purchasing products online, especially when those products are meant to protect one’s health and safety.

In March 2023, we purchased multiple models of eclipse glasses from Chinese vendors. We then tested them in 3 different labs. Each model failed the ISO test. To us, this was an important indicator that Chinese-made eclipse glasses are not safe for direct solar viewing. What was doubly concerning was the manufacturers in China provided us with testing results that showed they had passed ISO testing in Chinese labs. 

In the end, the 2017 Great North American Eclipse came and went, leaving behind awe-inspiring memories for those who witnessed it safely. However, the lessons learned from the counterfeit eclipse glasses debacle remain relevant. They remind us of the importance of vigilance, the value of buying from reputable sources, and the critical need for public education on safety standards. As we look forward to future celestial events, let this incident be a guide for better preparation and awareness, ensuring that the wonders of the cosmos can be safely enjoyed by all.

Ensuring Safety with Eclipse Glasses Ahead of April 8 Solar Eclipse

Rick Fienberg from the American Astronomical Society (AAS) assures that so far, no unsafe eclipse glasses have been reported. However, some products, particularly from China, might have misleading information about their origin or manufacturer.

For verifying the safety of eclipse glasses, Fienberg recommends referring to the AAS's list of official sellers, who must independently test their products at reputable U.S. labs. NASA suggests a simple at-home test using a bright light to ensure glasses' safety.

The importance of using glasses meeting the ISO 12312-2 standard is highlighted, alongside a caution against relying solely on Amazon purchases due to past incidents of counterfeit glasses. The AAS and Amazon are taking steps to ensure the safety and authenticity of eclipse glasses offered to consumers.

In response to concerns, AAS considers relaxing safety requirements slightly, based on post-2017 tests showing most glasses, including those from Chinese manufacturers, to be safe.

Preparing for the April 8 Total Solar Eclipse: Safety First

The American Astronomical Society (AAS) warns against counterfeit eclipse glasses flooding the market, which falsely claim ISO 12312-2 certification. They recommend purchasing from approved suppliers such as American Paper Optics and Rainbow Symphony, available through reputable retailers like Walmart and Lowe's. NASA provides guidance on verifying safe eclipse glasses. Due to high demand, immediate purchase is advised to ensure delivery before April 8. Remember, proper gear is crucial for viewing to prevent serious eye damage.

Looking Forward

Eclipse Glasses USA's eclipse glasses are designed, made, and tested in the US. Our testing results for ISO can be found here and our CE results can be found here. We are likewise an approved vendor by the American Astronomical Society.

When you buy from us, you support an American business producing the highest quality eclipse glasses on the market.

Roger Sarkis