How Do Eclipses Affect Weather?

The intriguing phenomena of solar and lunar eclipses have captured human imagination for centuries. These cosmic events occur when the Earth, Moon, and Sun align perfectly, casting shadows that result in either the Moon or the Sun being obscured from view. While solar and lunar eclipses are primarily considered astronomical events, there is also some curiosity about whether they have any discernible impact on Earth's weather. In general, the scientific consensus is that eclipses themselves have minimal to no direct impact on weather patterns, but let's delve a little deeper into this topic.

Solar Eclipses and Weather

During a solar eclipse, the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, resulting in a partial or total obscuration of the Sun’s light for a brief period, typically no longer than 7-8 minutes. This leads to a transient change in illumination and a drop in temperature. The extent of the temperature drop can vary based on local conditions and the duration of the eclipse, but it is generally in the range of 3-5°F (1.7-2.8°C). This temperature drop is temporary and localized to the areas experiencing the eclipse, usually reverting back to normal shortly after the event.

It's important to note that although there is a sudden, albeit brief, drop in temperature, this change is not enough to alter weather systems or patterns. Large-scale weather phenomena, like fronts, cyclones, and anticyclones, are driven by more significant thermal gradients and are part of complex systems involving Earth's rotation, sea surface temperatures, and air masses. A temporary and localized change in temperature due to a solar eclipse is not sufficient to interrupt these systems.

Lunar Eclipses and Weather

During a lunar eclipse, the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon, casting its shadow on the Moon. This event occurs at night and lasts for several hours but has no direct effect on Earth's weather. Since the Earth's atmosphere scatters sunlight, the Moon may take on a reddish hue during a total lunar eclipse. There's no change in sunlight reaching the Earth or alteration in temperature during a lunar eclipse, rendering its impact on weather essentially null.

Psychological Perceptions and Folklore

The idea that eclipses affect the weather might be rooted more in folklore and historical anecdotes rather than scientific data. In some cultures, eclipses have been interpreted as harbingers of change or turmoil, perhaps leading to the perception that they could also bring about shifts in weather. This psychological angle, however, does not have empirical evidence to substantiate claims of weather changes due to eclipses.

Scientific Investigations

Various scientific studies have been conducted to analyze weather conditions during and after eclipses. Observations include localized changes in wind speed and direction, as well as temporary temperature drops, but these are transient effects without lasting impacts. Most of the research thus supports the notion that weather patterns are not significantly influenced by eclipses.


In summary, while solar and lunar eclipses are awe-inspiring events that momentarily alter the appearance of the sky, their influence on Earth's weather is minimal at best. Solar eclipses may cause temporary and localized temperature changes, but these are not powerful enough to impact large-scale weather systems. Lunar eclipses occur without any direct influence on Earth’s weather systems. Despite the lore and mystique surrounding these celestial events, the overwhelming scientific consensus suggests that they do not exert a significant influence on weather patterns. Therefore, any noticeable change in weather around the time of an eclipse is most likely coincidental and not a direct result of the astronomical event.

September 10, 2023 — Roger Sarkis

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