The Dangers of Blue Light Exposure at Work

As an employee, you know those long hours staring at your computer screen leave your eyes strained and your focus drifting. You've felt the effects of blue light exposure from your devices. Don't just brush it off as an unavoidable side effect of modern work. There's an easy solution to boost your productivity and reclaim your concentration—blue light glasses. Discover how a simple pair of spectacles can cut down occupational blue light hazards, keep you engaged in deep work, and even improve company policies. By implementing blue light glasses across professions, both employees and employers experience benefits, from IT consultants to overnight security analysts. Join the workplace revolution and see how blue light glasses can optimize your professional performance.

blue light glasses

How Blue Light Glasses Can Improve Focus and Productivity

Prolonged exposure to blue light from electronic devices and overhead lighting can cause eye strain, headaches, and fatigue in office environments. According to recent studies, office workers spend an average of 6.5 hours a day exposed to blue light on the job.

For occupations requiring screen time and task focus, blue light exposure reduces productivity and job performance. Office workers experience decreased attention spans, impaired memory, and slower reaction times after 2-3 hours of blue light exposure. Night shift and healthcare workers are especially at risk, as blue light disrupts circadian rhythms and makes it difficult to sleep during daylight hours.

To counteract these effects, companies are providing computer glasses that block blue light. Employees report decreased eyestrain, improved sleep, and increased work focus and accuracy. Some companies offer blue light filtering glasses as an employee benefit or wellness initiative.

Providing blue light glasses and limiting screen time and overhead lighting is an easy way for companies to boost productivity, focus, and well-being. With a small investment, businesses can reap the rewards of a more effective, alert, and engaged workforce. After implementing a blue light glasses initiative, several Fortune 500 companies recorded time saved, fewer errors, and higher job satisfaction.

Blue light may be an unavoidable occupational hazard, but with the right interventions and policies in place, businesses can reduce its impact on health, productivity, and the bottom line. Protecting employees from excessive blue light exposure is well worth the effort.

Which Professions Benefit Most From Blue Light Glasses?

As an employer, you want your team operating at maximum efficiency. Long hours staring at bright computer and phone screens, however, expose employees to high amounts of blue light which can cause digital eye strain, headaches, and decreased focus. Providing your staff with computer glasses that block blue light is an easy way to boost productivity and morale.

Office Workers

If you work in an office, you likely spend many hours a day staring at bright computer and phone screens. Prolonged blue light exposure can lead to digital eye strain, causing dry eyes, headaches, and blurred vision. Blue light glasses can help prevent and alleviate these symptoms, allowing you to be more productive and focused during long hours at your desk.

Night Shift Employees

For those who work overnight shifts, blue light exposure at night can disrupt your circadian rhythm and sleep-wake cycle. Blue light glasses block the wavelengths of light that signal your brain to stay alert, making it easier to sleep during the day. This can help improve mood, cognitive performance, and alertness during shifts.


Students today spend much of their time looking at digital devices for both schoolwork and entertainment. This constant blue light exposure can negatively impact learning, focus, and sleep quality. Blue light glasses help students avoid digital eye strain and limit the stimulation of blue light after dark so they can rest properly for school the next day.

While the benefits of blue light glasses are useful for people in many professions, office workers, night shift employees, and students are particularly prone to the harmful effects of excessive blue light exposure. By blocking blue wavelengths of light, these specialized glasses can help prevent symptoms like digital eye strain, improve sleep, support better focus and productivity, and maintain circadian rhythms. For many companies and individuals, blue light glasses are an easy way to boost wellness, health, and job performance.

Implementing a Blue Light Glasses Policy at Your Company

Educate Employees About the Hazards of Blue Light

Blue light from digital screens and overhead lighting can cause eye strain, headaches, and sleep problems in employees. Educate your staff about the impacts of blue light exposure so they understand the benefits of blue light glasses. Hold information sessions, send out educational emails, and post infographics in common areas.

Provide Blue Light Glasses as Part of Wellness Benefits

Offering blue light glasses as an optional benefit or including them in standard vision coverage plans is an easy way to support employee health and productivity. Employees will appreciate the investment in their well-being and comfort. Some companies subsidize part or all of the cost of basic blue light glasses for their staff.

Set an Example From Leadership

Company executives and managers should set an example by wearing blue light glasses themselves. When employees see leadership embracing the use of blue light blocking glasses, they will be more inclined to use them as well. It demonstrates the company's genuine commitment to employee health, wellness, and productivity.

Flexible Policies Around Blue Light Glasses

While encouraging the use of blue light glasses, also be flexible with any policies around them. Not all employees may want to use blue light glasses, or they may only use them occasionally. Avoid a strictly enforced mandatory policy, as that risks reducing employee satisfaction and morale. Instead, promote them as an optional wellness resource for those interested.

With education, leading by example, providing blue light glasses as a benefit, and flexible policies, companies can implement an effective program to reduce digital eye strain and support productivity with blue light blocking glasses. Employees will appreciate the investment in their health, comfort, and ability to work productively. Over time, as more staff adopt the use of blue light glasses, their benefits to individuals and your organization will increase.

Case Studies: Companies Seeing Results With Blue Light Glasses

A Large Tech Company

A major technology company in Silicon Valley implemented a blue light glasses program for all employees who use digital devices. After six months, the company reported a 23% increase in productivity and a 15% decrease in eye strain and headaches. Employees overwhelmingly reported improved focus, reduced distraction, and less eye fatigue, especially for those working long hours in front of computer screens.

The company invested in premium, specialized computer glasses that block blue light and provided employees with an allowance to purchase their own glasses. They also added blue light glasses as an option in their healthcare flexible spending accounts. By encouraging and subsidizing the use of blue light glasses, especially for occupational eye health, the company was able to boost productivity and improve workplace wellness.

A Busy Marketing Agency

A fast-paced marketing agency in New York City implemented a trial run of blue light glasses for account managers, graphic designers, and administrative staff who spend the majority of their workdays looking at digital screens. After 3 months, the agency found significant improvements in employee focus, energy levels, and job satisfaction. The staff reported less eye strain, fewer headaches, and improved sleep quality.

Based on the success of the trial, the agency provided all employees a stipend to purchase their own blue light glasses. They also adjusted all computer and device screens to minimize blue light emissions. With these changes, the agency has seen a boost in creativity, collaboration, and work quality. The benefits of reduced occupational blue light exposure and increased wellness continue to positively impact their culture and bottom line.

Using the experiences of these companies as a model, implementing a thoughtful blue light glasses program and optimizing digital environments for eye health in your own workplace could yield significant benefits. Investing in your employees’ wellbeing and productivity will enable them to do their best work and support your company’s success.

Finding the Right Blue Light Glasses for Your Employees

For Office Workers

Office workers spend many hours daily gazing at bright computer and phone screens. Blue light glasses that block at least 50% of blue light are ideal for reducing digital eye strain and improving focus. Popular, affordable brands like Gunnar Optiks, Felix Gray, and EyeBuyDirect offer stylish, unisex options suitable for office attire starting at around $50-$100 per pair.

For Night Shift Staff

For employees working overnight shifts, blue light exposure poses additional challenges to their circadian rhythms and sleep-wake cycles. Glasses that block 65-85% of blue light are recommended for these individuals. Certain brands like Swannies and BluTech Lenses specifically design eyewear for night shift workers and other professionals exposed to light during evening hours. Their frames tend to be more discreet and minimalistic.

Company Policies and Benefits

Providing high-quality blue light glasses as an employee benefit demonstrates a company’s investment in health, wellness, and productivity. Some organizations offer employees an annual stipend or voucher to purchase approved blue light eyewear of their choice. Others provide glasses at a reduced or subsidized cost. Implementing a “screen break” policy where employees are encouraged to look away from their screens for 15-20 seconds every 20 minutes can further minimize digital eye strain when wearing blue light glasses.

Studies show that blue light glasses lead to fewer headaches, less eyestrain, improved sleep quality, and increased workplace satisfaction and productivity. With many affordable and stylish options available, providing your employees with the right blue light glasses for their needs is an easy way to support health, wellness, and performance. The benefits to both individuals and organizations can be substantial.

Addressing Concerns and Educating Staff on Blue Light Glasses

To ensure your employees are comfortable wearing blue light glasses in the workplace, address any concerns and questions they may have. Explain how blue light glasses can benefit them and improve their productivity.

Educate on Blue Light Exposure

Inform your staff about the potential dangers of excessive blue light exposure from digital screens and how it can negatively impact their sleep, focus, and eye health over time. Explain that blue light glasses filter out the problematic blue light wavelengths to prevent these issues, while still allowing beneficial blue light through.

Highlight Productivity Benefits

Blue light glasses can help reduce digital eye strain, improve focus, and increase workday productivity. Studies show employees experience less distraction and increased concentration when wearing computer glasses. Explain how blue light glasses may enhance productivity, especially for jobs requiring prolonged screen use like office work.

Discuss Specific Needs

For employees in specialized roles, discuss how blue light glasses can benefit them. For example, for night shift workers, blue light glasses prevent sleep disruption from screen use. For graphic designers and engineers, they can reduce eye fatigue during detailed on-screen tasks. Address any unique needs to show how your staff will benefit.

Review Company Policy

Explain your company’s policy on blue light glasses and whether you provide them as a health benefit or incentive. Discuss any discounts or coverage options for employees interested in purchasing their own glasses. Be transparent in your policy details and reasoning to gain staff buy-in.

Share Success Stories

Provide real-world examples of how other companies and employees have benefited from using blue light glasses. Success stories from industry leaders and staff testimonials are highly persuasive and help address skepticism. Discuss how those companies implemented blue light glasses and the measurable results and feedback. Your staff will appreciate understanding the real benefits supported by evidence and examples.

With education and open communication, your employees will understand how blue light glasses support their well-being, productivity, and the company’s success. With the health and business benefits well-explained, they will feel fully on board with adopting this initiative.

Making Sure Glasses Are Compliant With Safety Policies

For companies considering implementing blue light glasses as an employee benefit or wellness initiative, an important factor to consider is ensuring the glasses comply with all workplace safety policies. As an employer, you will want to make sure any blue light glasses provided or subsidized for employees meet certain standards for eye protection and do not pose any safety hazards.

When selecting blue light glasses, choose models that are certified as protective eyewear meeting ANSI Z87.1 impact-resistant lens standards. These glasses are designed to prevent injuries from impact, dust and other hazards. For employees in higher-risk roles like construction or manufacturing, you may require glasses meeting the ANSI Z87+ standard for high-impact protection.

It is also important to consider specific needs of each role. For example, employees frequently transitioning between indoor and outdoor work or operating heavy machinery may require glasses with photochromic or polarized lenses to prevent glare. Employees working night shifts may benefit from blue light glasses designed specifically for that schedule.

To implement blue light glasses as a company policy, detail the specific requirements and safety standards for any glasses provided or subsidized as an employee benefit. Explain proper use and care guidelines to ensure glasses continue protecting vision and meeting safety standards. You may also want to consult with an occupational health professional to determine if any additional protective eyewear is needed for certain job functions.

By taking the necessary precautions to choose safe, properly certified blue light glasses that meet the unique needs of your employees and workplace, you can feel confident providing this benefit knowing you are supporting both productivity and vision health. Many companies have found great success improving workplace wellness, focus and sleep quality by outfitting employees with blue light glasses. With the right policies and product selection in place, your organization can join their ranks.

Roger Sarkis