What Are Blue Light Glasses?

As you search for the perfect pair of blue light glasses, you'll want to consider several factors to find the eyewear that best fits your needs. From determining if you need prescription lenses to selecting a frame design and color that matches your personal style, choosing blue light glasses requires some thoughtful decision-making. This article will guide you through the key considerations around lens type, activity-specific features, sizing, and aesthetics to equip you to find your ideal blue light blocking glasses. With the right information and a few expert tips, you'll feel confident purchasing blue light eyewear that protects your eyes while complementing your look.

blue light glasses

Benefits of Wearing Blue Light Glasses

Blue light glasses are designed to filter out blue light from digital screens and electronic devices. Blue light is high energy visible light with wavelengths between 415 to 455 nanometers. Excessive exposure to blue light can cause digital eye strain and potentially lead to long-term damage.

Blue light glasses work by blocking blue light while still allowing other light spectrums to pass through. They can help reduce symptoms like eye strain, dry eyes, and headaches associated with blue light exposure. Most blue light glasses filter out at least 30% to 50% of blue light. Some products offer higher filtering, up to 80% or more for sensitive eyes or nighttime use.

Types of Blue Light Glasses

There are several options for blue light glasses based on your needs and activities. Computer glasses are designed for extended screen use and filtering 50-70% of blue light. Gaming glasses target the specific light spectrums used in LED displays to reduce eye strain during long gaming sessions. Daytime glasses offer lighter filtering for general day-to-day use. Amber tinted glasses are ideal for screen use at night since they block more blue light which can disrupt your circadian rhythm and sleep-wake cycle.

Finding the Right Fit

When choosing blue light glasses, look for a proper and comfortable fit. Glasses that are too loose or tight can cause additional eyestrain. The lenses should cover your whole eye and not pinch or dig into your nose or behind your ears. For the best protection, select frames that wrap around your eyes or have side shields to block peripheral blue light. Adjust the arms to keep the glasses balanced and stable on your face. Following these tips will help ensure maximum benefits from your blue light glasses.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Blue Light Glasses

Reduce Eye Strain and Fatigue

Wearing computer glasses with blue light protection helps relax your eyes by filtering out the high energy blue light that can cause eye strain and fatigue during prolonged screen use. This allows you to work or play on digital devices for longer without discomfort.

Improve Sleep Quality

Exposure to blue light after dark tricks your brain into thinking it's daytime, disrupting your circadian rhythm. Blue light glasses block the blue light that suppresses melatonin production, helping you feel sleepy at night so you can fall asleep faster and sleep more soundly.

Long-Term Eye Health

While research is still ongoing, excessive blue light exposure may lead to long-term damage of retina cells over time. Blue light glasses act as a protective barrier, filtering out the harmful high-energy blue light to support eye health and potentially slow down age-related macular degeneration.

Additional Benefits

Blue light glasses also come with additional benefits like reduced glare, improved contrast and color perception. For those requiring vision correction, prescription computer glasses with blue light protection allow you to see clearly and comfortably when using digital devices. With many stylish frames options, you can also choose blue light glasses that complement your personal style.

Investing in a pair of quality blue light glasses is an easy and effective way to protect your vision for the long term in today's highly digital world. By reducing digital eye strain, improving sleep, and supporting long term eye health, blue light glasses offer benefits that far outweigh any upfront costs. Your eyes will thank you for it.

Finding the Right Blue Light Glasses for Your Needs

Lens Material

The lens material impacts the glasses’ ability to filter blue light. Polycarbonate lenses are a popular, affordable option that can block up to 20% of blue light. Higher-end materials like RGB and melanin-infused lenses offer superior blue light protection, filtering up to 50-90% of harmful blue light. For the best protection, choose lenses specifically designed to filter blue light in the 415-455nm wavelength range.


An anti-reflective coating helps reduce glare and reflection for clearer vision and less eye strain. Blue light-blocking glasses often have specialty coatings to further reduce blue light transmission while maintaining color perception. These coatings can boost blue light protection up to 40%. For the optimal blue light filtering, look for glasses with a multi-layer anti-reflective coating.

Frame Style

The frame style comes down to personal preference, but larger frames that fit closely to the face offer the best coverage. Frames that sit further from the eyes may allow more ambient blue light to reach the eyes. Wrap-around frames are a good option for filtering peripheral blue light.

Prescription or Non-Prescription

If you need vision correction, prescription blue light glasses are available. For those with 20/20 vision, non-prescription glasses that can be worn over contact lenses or regular glasses are suitable. Some blue light glasses can also be customized with your specific lens prescription for the most tailored, effective eyewear.

Additional Features

Some blue light glasses also offer additional features like night vision clarity, glare reduction, and UV protection. Glasses optimized for night use may have amber or yellow-tinted lenses to enhance clarity in low light. For digital eyestrain related to device use, glasses with anti-glare and UV protection are helpful. Consider your needs and intended use to determine if any additional features would be beneficial.

With the factors of lens material, specialized coatings, optimal frame style, prescription level, and extra features in mind, you can choose blue light glasses tailored to your needs and activities. The right pair will provide comfortable, long-term protection from the negative impacts of blue light exposure.

Blue Light Glasses for Computer Use

Determine Your Needs

The first step is to determine how much blue light protection you need and for what activities. If you spend long hours looking at digital screens for work or gaming, you may want glasses that block the greatest amount of blue light. For casual computer use or TV viewing, a lighter lens tint may suffice. Some people find that yellow-tinted lenses reduce the most glare and eye strain. Amber or light brown lenses provide a subtler tint.

Prescription vs Non-Prescription

If you normally wear prescription glasses, you'll need to decide between prescription blue light glasses, non-prescription glasses that can fit over your regular glasses, or contact lenses that offer blue light protection. Prescription blue light glasses provide the most convenience but often cost more. Non-prescription glasses are more affordable but can feel bulky when worn over regular glasses. Blue light filtering contact lenses are a lightweight, low-profile option if you can tolerate wearing contact lenses.

Frame and Lens Options

Blue light glasses come in a variety of frame styles, from traditional wayfarer and aviator styles to more modern rectangular and cat eye shapes. The frames should fit comfortably and securely on your nose and behind your ears. Look for adjustable nose pads and flexible, durable frames that won't easily break or lose their shape. Anti-reflective and scratch-resistant lens coatings help reduce eye strain and keep the lenses clear. Some blue light glasses also offer anti-fog and water-repellent lens treatments.

Proper Fit

For the best results, blue light glasses should fit properly. The frames should rest comfortably on your nose and ears without pinching or slipping. The lenses should be centered in front of your pupils. If the glasses feel too loose or tight, or the lenses seem off-center, see if you can make minor adjustments to the frames and nose pads or consider a different size or style. Well-fitting blue light glasses will maximize comfort and ensure the best protection.

In summary, determining your needs, lens type, frame and lens options as well as ensuring a proper fit are all important factors when choosing blue light glasses suitable for your needs. With some self-evaluation of how and when you use digital devices, you can find blue light glasses to suit your needs and budget.

Blue Light Glasses for Gaming

Filter Out Harmful Blue Light

Blue light glasses designed for gaming are specialized eyewear that block high-energy visible (HEV) blue light emitted from digital screens. They filter out wavelengths between 400 to 450 nm, which can cause digital eye strain and potentially lead to long-term damage. For gamers, who spend hours staring at bright screens, blue light glasses are essential for protecting your vision.

Choose Gaming-Specific Designs

Gaming blue light glasses are styled to seamlessly integrate into your gaming setup. Wrap-around frames and wider lenses provide an expanded field of view so you can see the entire screen without moving your head. Rubber nose pads and ear tips create a snug but comfortable fit during long gaming sessions. Some gaming blue light glasses also have built-in microphones and allow you to connect gaming headsets.

Consider Prescription or Non-Prescription

If you require vision correction, you can choose gaming blue light glasses with your prescription lenses. Prescription gaming glasses provide the blue light protection and style of regular gaming eyewear but with lenses suited to your specific vision needs. For those with normal vision, non-prescription blue light gaming glasses are an affordable option. They provide the same blue light filtering benefits without the added cost of prescription lenses.

Adjust for Optimal Fit

To get the most benefit from your gaming blue light glasses, adjust them for an optimal fit. The frames should feel snug but still comfortable. They should not slide down your nose or feel too tight on your ears or the sides of your head. Make sure your eyes feel properly aligned with the centers of the lenses. Well-fitted gaming blue light glasses will allow you to focus on the screen and stay immersed in gameplay without distraction or discomfort.

With the right gaming blue light glasses, you can enjoy playing for hours while protecting your eyes from the damaging effects of blue light exposure and digital eye strain. Keep your vision sharp and make sure to choose glasses designed specifically with gamers and long screen time in mind.

Stylish Frames and Lens Options for Blue Light Glasses

Frame Selection

Frames for blue light glasses come in a range of styles from minimalist to fashionable. Popular and versatile frame types include:

  • Plastic Frames: Lightweight but durable, available in a variety of colors and shapes. Plastic frames tend to be budget-friendly and suitable for most face shapes.
  • Metal Frames: Sleek and stylish, metal frames are adjustable and suitable for most prescriptions. However, they can be higher in price and may not suit those with high prescriptions or strong presbyopia.
  • Rimless or Semi-Rimless Frames: Minimalist and lightweight, providing an almost invisible look. Rimless frames suit most face shapes but may not be ideal for high prescriptions.

Lens Options

The lens material and treatments impact the glasses’ performance, clarity and durability. Common lens choices for blue light glasses include:

  • Polycarbonate Lenses: Lightweight, impact-resistant and budget-friendly. Polycarbonate lenses block blue light and UV radiation but may distort vision slightly.
  • High Index Lenses: Thinner and lighter than polycarbonate, with minimal distortion. High index lenses are more expensive but comfortable for long-term wear.
  • Anti-Reflective Coating: Reduces glare and reflections for a clear view. Anti-reflective coating improves lens effectiveness and eye comfort.
  • Mirrored or Flash Coating: Reflects light to reduce brightness. Mirrored coatings can minimize eye strain in bright conditions but may slightly reduce blue light protection.

With many stylish and high-performance options to choose from, you can find blue light glasses to suit your needs and personal sense of style. Discussing your specific requirements and daily blue light exposure with an optometrist can help determine the most suitable and effective eyewear.

FAQs About Blue Light Glasses

How Do Blue Light Glasses Work?

Blue light glasses, also known as computer glasses, are designed to block harmful blue light while allowing other visible light rays to pass through. Blue light is emitted by digital screens like smartphones, tablets, and computer monitors. Over time, exposure to blue light can have damaging effects on your vision, sleep, and mood.

Why Are They Important?

Blue light glasses work by filtering out blue light in the 415 to 455 nm range, which is the range considered most harmful. They allow other beneficial light wavelengths to pass through so you can still see clearly. Many people who spend long hours looking at digital screens experience digital eye strain, which can cause dry eyes, headaches, and difficulty focusing. Blue light glasses aim to relieve these symptoms by reducing eye fatigue from excessive blue light exposure.

Can They Improve Sleep?

Extended exposure to blue light, especially in the evening, can disrupt your circadian rhythm and make it harder to fall asleep at night. Blue light tricks your brain into thinking it's daytime, suppressing the production of melatonin, the hormone that makes you sleepy. Wearing blue light glasses a few hours before bed can help block the blue light that disrupts your sleep-wake cycle so you feel tired at the appropriate time.

Are They Beneficial for Long-Term Eye Health?

Some research also links long-term blue light exposure to an increased risk of macular degeneration, a leading cause of vision loss. Blue light glasses may help slow the progression of age-related macular degeneration by reducing oxidative stress on the retina. They can also help prevent or reduce the frequency and severity of computer vision syndrome and digital eye strain, which can cause dry eyes, headaches, blurred vision, and neck pain.

In summary, blue light glasses are an easy way to protect your vision, support better sleep, and boost your long-term eye health. For the best results, choose blue light glasses that block at least 50% of blue light in the range of 415 to 455 nm. Wear them whenever viewing digital screens or artificial lighting, especially in the evening. Your eyes will thank you.

Roger Sarkis