The Dangers of Blue Light Exposure at Work

You've probably heard how staring at screens all day can strain your eyes and mess with your sleep cycle. It's no wonder so many people complain of headaches, fatigue, and lack of focus after a long workday in front of the computer. Well, there's good news: blue light glasses can help alleviate these issues! These special lenses filter out the harmful blue wavelengths from digital devices that negatively impact our vision and circadian rhythms. Companies around the world have started providing blue light glasses to employees, and the results speak for themselves - increased productivity, fewer complaints of eye strain and headaches, and employees who feel more energized. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of blue light glasses in the workplace and how your company can implement a blue light eyewear policy to keep your team happier and more effective at their jobs.

blue light glasses

How Blue Light Glasses Can Improve Productivity

Extended screen time at work exposes you to high amounts of blue light, which can lead to digital eye strain, headaches, and trouble sleeping. For office workers, exposure over the course of a typical 9-5 workday adds up quickly and the effects are cumulative.

Eye Strain and Headaches

Staring at bright screens for hours on end fatigues your eyes and causes soreness, dryness, and strain. This can lead to frequent headaches, especially toward the end of the day. Giving your eyes a break by looking away from the screen periodically can help, but blue light glasses provide more comprehensive relief by filtering out the harmful blue light wavelengths.

Insomnia and Sleep Problems

Exposure to blue light during the day disrupts your circadian rhythms and makes it harder to fall asleep at night. The bright light tricks your body into thinking it's daytime, suppressing the production of melatonin, the hormone that makes you sleepy. Night shift workers and those who frequently use electronics before bed are especially at risk. Blue light glasses can help by blocking the blue light that disrupts your sleep-wake cycle.

Productivity and Focus

Extended exposure to blue light overworks your eyes and brain, making it difficult to concentrate and reducing productivity. In studies, participants performed better on cognitive tasks and felt less mentally drained when wearing blue light glasses. For jobs that require intense focus, like data entry or software engineering, blue light glasses may provide benefits. Some companies have found that providing employees with blue light glasses leads to higher job satisfaction and performance.

By reducing digital eye strain, improving sleep, and enhancing focus, blue light glasses create a happier, healthier workforce. For both employees and companies, they are an investment that pays real dividends.

Finding the Best Blue Light Blocking Glasses for Your Profession

Spending hours staring at bright screens can take a major toll on your focus and productivity. Blue light glasses are specially designed to block the harsh blue light emitted from digital devices, helping to reduce eye strain, improve sleep, and boost concentration.

For office workers glued to computers all day, blue light glasses can help prevent digital eye fatigue and make it easier to stay productive during long workdays. The glasses filter out the blue light that causes eyestrain, headaches, and blurry vision. By blocking this light, your eyes can relax, allowing you to focus better and avoid distractions.

Employees working night shifts or irregular hours are particularly prone to circadian rhythm disruption from excessive blue light exposure. Blue light tricks your brain into thinking it's daytime, making it harder to sleep during the day. Blue light glasses can help combat this effect so you can rest properly and remain focused at work.

Some companies have started providing blue light glasses as an employee benefit. They've seen noticeable drops in eye strain complaints, fewer work-related headaches, and improvements in mood and cognitive performance. The investment in employees' vision and well-being often translates into higher job satisfaction, better work quality, and increased productivity.

If you spend long hours looking at digital screens for work, it may be worth talking to your employer about providing blue light glasses as an affordable solution to boost health, happiness, and productivity across the company. Your eyes and your focus will thank you.

Getting Your Employer on Board With Blue Light Filters

If you work long hours in front of digital screens, blue light glasses should be an essential part of your daily uniform. But with so many options out there, how do you choose the right pair for your needs?

Office Workers

If you spend your days behind a desk in an office environment, look for glasses that block at least 50% of blue light. For maximum productivity, choose a pair with lens that filter both blue-violet and blue-turquoise light. Glasses with an anti-glare coating will reduce eye strain from harsh overhead lighting. Popular, affordable brands for office workers include Felix Gray, Pixel Eyewear, and EyeBuyDirect.

Night Shift Employees

If your job requires screen time after dark, you'll want glasses that block at least 80% of blue light for maximum melatonin production. Look for pairs specifically designed for night use or gaming that block high-energy visible (HEV) blue light. Brands like Swanwick Sleep and Ambr Eyewear make stylish, effective blue light glasses for night shift workers and gamers.

Some companies now offer blue light glasses as an employee benefit. If your company has not yet implemented this benefit, consider speaking with Human Resources about the need to provide blue light glasses, especially for those in jobs requiring long screen time. Providing blue light glasses is an inexpensive way for companies to increase productivity, reduce digital eyestrain, and support employee wellness. Employees report increased focus, less distraction, and improved sleep when wearing computer glasses at work.

With options at a range of price points, blue light glasses have benefits for virtually every occupation and workplace. Finding a pair suited to your specific needs and responsibilities can help make your screen time safer and your workday happier.

Employee Success Stories With Blue Light Glasses

Your eyes weren’t designed to stare at bright screens for hours on end, yet more and more jobs demand it. Extended blue light exposure from devices like computers, tablets, and smartphones can cause digital eye strain, sleep problems, and long-term vision damage. While employees are ultimately responsible for their own eye health and wellbeing, many companies are starting to recognize the benefits of providing support.

Educate Leadership About the Benefits

Schedule a meeting with your manager or HR department and explain how blue light filters can improve workplace productivity and focus. Studies show employees experience less digital eye strain, fatigue, and headaches when using computer glasses or screen protectors that block blue light. This means fewer distractions and interruptions, allowing people to work longer and more efficiently. For jobs requiring night shift or after-hours work, blue light filters may also help maintain healthy sleep-wake cycles by preventing blue light exposure before bed.

Suggest A Trial Period

If leadership seems hesitant, suggest starting with a trial period for a small group of employees. Provide a few pairs of basic computer glasses or screen protectors and ask for feedback after a month or two of use. Chances are, most participants will report noticeable improvements in comfort, focus, and work-life balance. Armed with this data, you’ll have a much stronger case for implementing a company-wide blue light filter program.

Consider Company Subsidies and Discounts

While some larger tech companies now provide free blue light filters as an employee benefit, smaller businesses may offer subsidies, discounts, or the option to purchase computer glasses or screen protectors through pre-tax healthcare accounts. Some manufacturers also provide bulk discounts for large corporate orders. Any financial assistance or incentive your company can provide will make employees more inclined to actually use the products, maximizing the benefits.

With education and advocacy, you can convince your company to support blue light filter use in the workplace. Protecting employees’ vision and wellbeing leads to a happier, healthier, and more productive team overall. Making this small investment in technology can pay off hugely in the long run.
Roger Sarkis