Are you looking for ways to enhance your productivity at work? You may want to consider investing in a pair of computer glasses. These specialized lenses are designed to reduce the eye strain and fatigue associated with prolonged screen time. But can they actually boost your performance? Recent studies suggest that computer glasses may offer benefits beyond basic eye protection. By improving focus and concentration, these glasses could help you stay on task and accomplish more throughout your workday. This article examines the research behind computer glasses and their potential impact on workplace productivity, exploring how reduced eye strain may translate to tangible performance gains.

computer glasses

Do computer glasses actually work?

Evidence from research

Computer glasses, particularly those designed to filter blue light, have been the subject of much debate in recent years. While some claim these glasses can significantly reduce eye strain and improve productivity, scientific evidence supporting these claims is limited. Studies have shown that blue light can cause cell damage in laboratory settings, but there's no conclusive evidence that the amount emitted by computer screens leads to permanent eye damage or age-related macular degeneration in humans.

Addressing digital eye strain

Interestingly, the primary cause of digital eye strain is not blue light itself, but rather a reduced blink rate when staring at screens for extended periods. To combat eye strain, experts recommend taking frequent breaks, using artificial tears, and adjusting screen brightness and contrast. While computer glasses may provide some relief, they are not necessarily essential for reducing digital eye strain or improving sleep quality.

Potential benefits for workers

Despite the lack of definitive scientific evidence, some studies suggest that blue light glasses can help alleviate negative effects of prolonged screen time, such as digital eye strain and headaches. For office workers, glasses that block at least 50% of blue light may reduce eye fatigue and improve focus. However, more research is needed to conclusively determine their effectiveness.

How computer glasses can improve focus and concentration

Reducing eye strain for enhanced productivity

Computer glasses are designed to alleviate the eye strain associated with prolonged screen time. By reducing eye fatigue and headaches, these specialized lenses can help you maintain focus for longer periods. The glasses often feature multifocal lenses, allowing for quick shifts between close, intermediate, and far distances, which is particularly beneficial when working on computers.

Optimizing visual comfort

According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, computer glasses are tailored to focus at the typical screen distance of 20-26 inches. This specific design minimizes the constant refocusing effort required when switching between the screen and other objects, thereby improving visual comfort and concentration.

Blocking blue light for better cognitive function

Many computer glasses also incorporate blue light filtering technology. Research suggests that by blocking blue light wavelengths, these glasses can help maintain proper melatonin production, potentially improving focus and attention, especially for individuals with ADHD. This benefit extends to evening work sessions, where blue light exposure can be particularly disruptive to cognitive function.

What is the difference between reading glasses and computer glasses?

Purpose and Viewing Distance

Reading glasses and computer glasses serve distinct purposes. Reading glasses are designed for close-up tasks at arm's length, like perusing books or documents. In contrast, computer glasses are optimized for intermediate-distance tasks, such as viewing digital screens typically positioned 20-26 inches away.

Prescription Strength

The key distinction lies in their prescription strength. Reading glasses have a stronger prescription to focus on nearby objects, while computer glasses feature a less potent prescription tailored for screen viewing. This difference ensures optimal visual comfort for each specific task.

Lens Design

Computer glasses often incorporate special features to reduce digital eye strain. These may include anti-reflective coatings to minimize glare and blue light filters to potentially alleviate eye fatigue. Reading glasses, however, typically lack these specialized coatings as they're primarily used for shorter durations in less visually demanding environments.

Studies on the impact of computer glasses on work performance

Mixed results from research

While computer glasses are often marketed as productivity boosters, scientific evidence supporting their impact on work performance is limited. Some studies suggest that reducing eye strain through proper eyewear may improve focus and comfort during screen-based tasks. However, the American Academy of Ophthalmology notes that blue light-blocking glasses have not been conclusively shown to alleviate digital eye strain symptoms.

Potential indirect benefits

Despite inconclusive direct evidence, some companies report positive outcomes from providing computer glasses to employees. These include fewer eye strain complaints, reduced work-related headaches, and improved overall work quality. While not definitive proof, such anecdotal evidence suggests potential indirect benefits to productivity and job satisfaction.

Alternative strategies for eye comfort

Experts recommend focusing on ergonomics and work habits rather than relying solely on specialized eyewear. Simple adjustments like proper screen positioning, regular breaks, and following the 20-20-20 rule can effectively reduce digital eye strain and potentially enhance work performance.

The correlation between computer glasses and reduced eye strain-related distractions

Minimizing visual fatigue

Computer glasses can significantly reduce eye strain-related distractions, allowing you to focus better on your work. According to a Reddit discussion, prolonged computer use often leads to eye fatigue and mental fog. By filtering out harmful blue light, computer glasses help alleviate these issues, potentially increasing productivity and energy levels throughout the workday.

Improving concentration and comfort

Studies suggest that blue light glasses can reduce complaints of eye strain and headaches among office workers. This increased comfort allows for better concentration on tasks at hand. Moreover, by minimizing the disruption to your natural sleep-wake cycle, computer glasses may contribute to improved overall well-being and work performance.

Long-term eye health benefits

Wearing computer glasses may also help protect your long-term eye health. Some experts believe that by shielding your eyes from excessive blue light exposure, these glasses could potentially slow the progression of age-related macular degeneration. This long-term protection may contribute to sustained productivity and reduced distractions over time.

Can you get glasses just for computer use?

Yes, you can indeed get glasses specifically designed for computer use. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, these specialized lenses are tailored to optimize your vision at the typical distance between your eyes and a computer screen.

How computer glasses work

Computer glasses are customized to your individual needs. Your eye doctor can adjust the prescription using a trial frame while you sit at a simulated workstation, ensuring optimal clarity for your specific computer viewing distance.

Benefits of computer-specific eyewear

These specialized glasses allow you to see your screen clearly without straining or adopting uncomfortable postures. Unlike bifocals or general-purpose glasses, computer lenses are fine-tuned for intermediate distances, reducing eye fatigue during long work sessions.

However, it's important to note that there's no scientific evidence that computer screens damage eyes. The key to reducing digital eye strain often lies in proper ergonomics and taking regular breaks, rather than relying solely on specialized eyewear.

What kind of glasses should I get for computer use?

Consider blue light blocking lenses

When choosing computer glasses, blue light blocking lenses are a popular option. However, the American Academy of Ophthalmology notes there's no scientific evidence that blue light from screens damages eyes. Instead, eye strain often results from decreased blinking during screen use.

Focus on comfort and fit

For optimal comfort, look for glasses with:

  • Lightweight frames

  • Adjustable nose pads

  • Anti-reflective coating

Wraparound styles may be more effective at blocking light from entering your eyes compared to regular frames.

Consider your specific needs

If you already wear corrective lenses, consult an eye care professional about adding computer vision features to your prescription. For those with normal vision, non-prescription computer glasses may suffice. Remember, the best way to prevent digital eye strain is to take regular screen breaks, regardless of the glasses you choose.


As you consider ways to optimize your work performance, computer glasses emerge as a promising tool worthy of exploration. The research suggests these specialized lenses may boost productivity by enhancing focus, reducing eye strain, and minimizing visual distractions. While more studies are needed to definitively prove their efficacy, the potential benefits are compelling. By filtering blue light and reducing glare, computer glasses could help you maintain concentration and work more comfortably for extended periods. As technology continues to dominate the workplace, investing in eye health and visual comfort may yield significant returns in your professional life. Consider giving computer glasses a trial to see if they can elevate your performance and well-being.

Roger Sarkis